A prose to the old.
To the one who does not move as fast, please walk faster I’m in a hurry to get nowhere. To the one who forgets where their glasses are, please look in a mirror you’ll see they are right on your head. To the one that falls asleep midsentence, please tell me the rest of the story before dozing off. To the one who has a wrinkly old smile, tell me, was it happiness or sadness that caused your skin to wrinkle. To the one who has crow’s feet around their eyes, tell me are these marks from looking at so many of life’s problems and finding the answers? Tell me old one how is it you are still smarter even though your brains cells have begun to fade? Tell me the reason why I will walk slower, why I will forget the simplest of things? Why it is ok to take a nap right in the middle of a conversation? To the old, tell me, how is it you are so wise and patient and can still put up with me who is so young and naive? Tell me, will I feel as happy as you do when I am your age? A simple gesture, a smile. I’m going to be alright.
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