Have you ever read the book called Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day well if you haven't you should. However it doesn't matter the name sums it up, everyone has had one of these days.
Today was Kaylee and terrible, horrible, no good, very bad half day I only say half day because at this moment I'm picking myself "up by the boot strap" as my grandpa would say. This morning started off terrible. Do you ever just get that inkling feeling in the pit of your stomach that just says, "Yea this isn't going to be a good day," right as you wake up? I woke feeling like that, and when I got to school it didn't get better.
As I'm walking I'm listening to Staind (one of my favorite bands) feeling the chill of the morning competing with the warmth of the sun. Then suddenly I just feel sick all over I try shrugging it off but then realize its my mind really reminding of something important. My feed/feedstuff worksheet is due tomorrow and I didn't finish, I need to call three companies and just get 2 pricings. Sounds easy enough right? WRONG!! I tried three and they all failed. I panicked.
To go to Bio or to go home and figure this out? Well lets see...My brain kicks in saying Well Kaylee you just totally bombed your last test what do you think you should do? However it seems like both hemispheres of my brain are working and have different opinons because the other side says, Dude if you don't get this done by 11 tomorrow you'll be screwed and get a big fat ZERO on your homework.
At this moment I realize that I'm not doing so well in all my classes as I should. It hits me like a semi truck....I'm failing.
I feel so low at this moment I just want to quit and go home and cry. This is where I call my mom and tell her everything and you know what she says? She says, Mija you can do it, if you can't do it just keep talking to your professor to help you, Don't worry. Get through this week then it'll be break and you'll feel better. Love you.
Times like these I'm so happy to have a mom like her to help push me. Thanks mom for everything. and Thanks to my friends who were concerned.
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